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social conditioning

Started by Ramzi, 17 November 2006, 07:46

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Now if you were a girl growing up in the 60's you might have "gotten the message" that you weren't OK unless you were married, that you might not be attractive to boys if you were too intelligent, and that it was very important to be attractive sexually, which the media told us included being very thin, yet having a certain figure, and that boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses, and that Catholic, Protestant and Jewish were the religious options in America.

If you were a girl growing up in the 20's, you might have "gotten the message" that you had to wait for a boy/man to ask you out, that you would probably find a man to marry in college, if you were lucky enough to go to college, then have a family and defer your career plans in order to raise a family, that you should be a virgin at the time you were married, and you should not show anger or be otherwise "unladylike."

Other pieces of social conditioning in a middle or lower-class family might be that you have to go to work and get a job, that only wealthy people start their own businesses or inherit businesses, that if you work hard and do well you will be promoted, or that a college education is the ticket to a good job.

Television and advertising are powerful social conditioners, influencing the social and image expectations of millions. Consider "Leave it to Beaver," "Peyton Place," "General Hospital," "As the World Turns," "All My Children," "Perry Mason," "The Waltons," "Oprah," "Star Trek Next Generation," "X-Files," "Touched by an Angel," "Voyager," "Babylon 5," each one a feast of worldviews, morals and ideal images.

Consider the magazines "Seventeen," "Vogue," "New Woman," "Playboy," "GQ," "Esquire," "House and Garden," "Architectural Digest," "PC World." And catalogs: the old "Simplicity" pattern book, Sears and Penny's catalogs, Spiegel catalog, L.L. Bean catalog, Smith & Hawken catalog, Victoria's Secret catalog, to scratch the surface of some of the ideal images being sold today.

Consider ads for Estee Lauder, Calvin Klein, Channel, Revlon, Saab, Infinity, Honda, Club Med. And the comic strips "Pogo," "Peanuts" and now "Doonesbury" and "Dilbert."

Consider the spoken and unspoken tenets of the religion you grew up in: "You're a sinner." "Jesus is the only way." "You have to go to confession with the priest." "Joseph Smith was a prophet of God." "You're expected to become confirmed whether you want to or not." "You should go to church every week." "The communion wine and wafer are the body and blood of Christ." These are just to list a few from some Christian denominations.

Once common sources of programming and conditioning are pointed out, people can identify with where and how they previously picked up many ideas and images unthinkingly. "Light bulbs" start going on. People begin to differentiate between the programming (before) and their own being and thinking (after), separate off the programming, put it under the "microscope," examine its content, start thinking for themselves.

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Ce alte exemple (de pe la noi) mai puteti da? ;;)


Acu', dacă subiectul prezintă interes, discutăm.
The soul of computer technology


Exemple similare de la noi sunt destule. Insa, parerea mea este ca sunt mlt mai.... primitive, ca sa zic asa. Sincer, noi,romanii, am preluat EXTREM de multe, intr-o perioada foarte mica de timp (a se citi de la revolutie in coace). Partea proasta este ca ele nu au avut timp sa se sedimenteze si filtreze. Din pacate...


NU e vorba ca nu s-au filtrat, e vorba ca s-au preluat cu intentie toate tampeniile. Si involutia continua, activitatea sinapselor scade , viitorul suna bine.


Nu Praetor, tocmai aici este problema. Nu s-au preluat idei, conceptii, 'stiluri de viata' in mod INTENTIONAT. S-a preluat totul. La pachet. De fapt nu totul, ci, mai grav, ORICE. Chiar NU s-a facut nici o filtrare. Si, sicner vorbind, nici nu era timpul necesar. Avalansa mediatica a distorsiunat orice 'valoare', orice posibil 'social conditioning' care chiar ar fi putut fi benefica (evident ca intr-o oarecare masura, dat fiind 'mostenirea' noastra bizantina).


După o perioadă în care nu aveai acces la nimic, era de aşteptat să se ia de bun orice venea din afară. În timp se putea renunţa la balast... Dar e aşa cum zicea Russell: Most people would rather die than think.
She shuts the doors and lights / And lays her body on the bed / Where images and words are running deep / She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head / So quietly she lays and waits for sleep (Dream Theater, Wait for Sleep)