Hardware => Laptopuri şi portabile => Topic started by: Foxter on 21 April 2010, 09:05

Title: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 21 April 2010, 09:05
Apple iPad: The FCC Dissects it So We Don't Have To (

Apple's iPad A4 SoC: Faster than the Nexus One's Snapdragon ? (

Apple's iPad - The AnandTech Review (

This Just In: Apple iPad Keyboard Dock (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: LNT on 21 April 2010, 09:33
Oare câţi îşi vor cumpăra un iPad din alt motiv decât curiozitatea? Eu unul n-aş da banii pe aşa ceva, mi se pare un gadget inutil nevoilor mele şi asta în special fiindcă e castrat de tot ce înseamnă un dispozitiv mobil la pretenţiile tehnologice actuale.
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: IceCub on 21 April 2010, 09:55
Ideea de iPad mi se pare ok, doar ca are prea multe limitari. Poate ca m-ar fi interesat unul daca ar rula Win7.
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Chipicao on 21 April 2010, 13:41
iPad e ok atata timp cat e privit ca o jucarie
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: LNT on 21 April 2010, 14:57
Jucărie cu preţ de plecare la 2600 lei? Eu nu cumpăr câinelui cât trăieşte mâncare de banii ăştia, dar să-i dau pe o porcărie? Please!
Oricum am considerat dintotdeauna Apple ca fiind o firmă de fiţe, măcar bine că vin alţii cu jucării mai dotate: WePad (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 03 May 2010, 08:31
This Just In: Apple iPad 3G, Same Speed as iPhone 3GS over 3G ? (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 03 March 2011, 14:24
The iPad 2 and iOS 4.3 Announcement (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 14 March 2011, 08:35
Apple iPad 2 Preview (
Apple iPad 2 GPU Performance Explored: PowerVR SGX543MP2 Benchmarked (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: SoNic on 15 March 2011, 02:02
Comparatia cu XOOM este interesanta. Desi personal cred ca Android inca mai are loc de "crescut" in domeniul graficii...
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 21 March 2011, 14:24
The Apple iPad 2 Review (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 09 March 2012, 09:31
Analysis of the new Apple iPad (3) (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 04 April 2012, 12:02
The Apple iPad Review (2012) (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 04 May 2012, 11:34
The iPad 2,4 Review: 32nm Brings Better Battery Life (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 21 November 2012, 16:05
iPad mini Review (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 08 December 2012, 18:44
iPad 4 (Late 2012) Review (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 30 November 2013, 13:23
Apple iPad mini with Retina Display: Reviewed (
Title: Re: iPad
Post by: Foxter on 23 November 2014, 16:17
The Apple iPad Air 2 Review (