Software => Programare => Topic started by: kquizak on 10 December 2007, 21:40

Title: Stored procedures in Mysql
Post by: kquizak on 10 December 2007, 21:40
Imi trebuie proceduri stocate pe mysql, mi se pare 'brainfucking' sintaxa din mysql(fata de oracle..poate si pt ca asta mi se pare naturala daca toata ziua scriu pl/sql ).Ma poate ajuta careva cu ceva simplu?

mysql> create procedure check_user(in pcnp bigint(13), out exista int)
    -> begin
    -> declare v_cnp bigint(13);
    -> declare v_exista int;
    -> declare cursor c for
    -> Select 1 from users where cnp = v_cnp;
    -> set v_cnp = pcnp;
    -> open c;
    -> fetch c into v_exista;
    -> close c;
    -> set exista = v_exista;
    -> end;//
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'cursor c for
Select 1 from users where cnp = v_cnp;
set v_cnp = pcnp;
open c;
f' at line 5

ce vreau eu e asa
create or replace function check_user(pcnp in number(13))  return boolean is
cursor c is
  select true from users where cnp = pcnp;
v_exista boolean := false;
  open c;
  fetch c into v_exista;
  close c;
  return v_exista;
Title: Re: Stored procedures in Mysql
Post by: kman on 10 December 2007, 22:17
adica simplificat

create or replace function check_user(pcnp in number(13)) return boolean is
n number;
  select count(1) into n from users where cnp=pcnp;
  if n>0 then
    return true
    return false;
  end if;

ceea ce s-ar putea sa mearga si pe mysql unde nu ai variabile de tip cursor din cate stiu eu.

PS: posibil sa mai fie ceva imbecilitati in ce am scris mai sus ca nu am mai scris SQL de vreo 6 luni.
Title: Re: Stored procedures in Mysql
Post by: Praetor on 11 December 2007, 11:15
Cred ca totusi trebuie procedure si nu function. Si la return sau la un param out merge 0 sau 1 :)