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Reduceri de sarbatori la Steam

Started by Chipicao, 24 December 2009, 12:42

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Cu ocazia sarbatorilor de iarna, Steam ofera reduceri substantiale (pana la 90%). In oferta nu sunt incluse si cele mai recente titluri, insa e ocazia perfecta pentru cei care nu au incercat inca un anumit titlu sau vor sa pastreze in arhiva un "goldie".

Majoritatea reducerilor sunt valabile pana pe 3 Ianuarie, insa cateva expira astazi. Asa ca grabiti-va daca vrei sa cumparati unul din urmatoarele:

Grand Theft Auto IV
What does the American dream mean today? For Niko Bellic fresh off the boat from Europe, it is the hope he can escape from his past.... more
Mirror's Edge™
In a city where information is heavily monitored, agile couriers called Runners transport sensitive data away from prying eyes. In this seemingly utopian paradise, a crime has been committed, your sister has been framed and now you are being hunted.... more
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl
In 1986, the world's worst nuclear disaster occurred at the Chernobyl power station.... more
Defense Grid: The Awakening
Defense Grid: The Awakening is a unique spin on tower defense gameplay that will appeal to players of all skill levels. A horde of enemies is invading, and it's up to the player to stop them by strategically building fortification towers around their base.... more
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising is a game about a fictitious conflict on one of the Sakhalin islands, a conflict that is in danger of erupting onto a global scale.... more

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