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Vor sa-mi dea milioane.....

Started by LNT, 08 March 2007, 16:04

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Primesc un mesaj (spam) care totusi nu merge in bulk ci in inbox (YMail). Textul mesajului:

Good day to you,
We acknowlege the receipt of your email.
It was your email address that won you this
international online lottery.

Congratulations from the members

All participants were selected randomly from World Wide
Website through computer draw system and extracted from
over 100,000 companies as part of International Promotions
Program, which is conducted annually.
Your email address was attached to ticket number
023-0148-790-459, with serial number 5063-11 drew
The lucky numbers 43-11-44-37-10-43, and consequently
Won you the lottery in the 2nd category.

You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay
Of  500,000.00 British Pounds(GBP) in cash credited to file REF
NO. UKNL/26510460037/07. This is from total prize money
Of 2,000,000.00 British Pounds(GBP) shared among the four
International winners in this category.

Please note that your lucky winning number falls within
our European booklet representative office in Europe as indicated
in your play coupon. In view of this, your 500,000.00
British Pounds(GBP) would be released to you by our
preferred payment center in London.

This lottery is a conjoined effort of Microsoft
international and the United Nations under the

This lottery is aimed at promoting world peace and the
use of internet across the world. Participants were
drawn randomly from the internet upon which a raffle
draw was conducted and lucky winners emerged fortuitously.

To facilitate the swift procurement of your winning,
you are to fill out the required information and
return it within 24-72hrs.

This will enhance the verification and subsequent
approval of your payment. The deadline set for the
collection of winning is ebbing ever so close;
hence you are to act according to instruction
stated herein.It is imperative that you keep this
winning confidential and  surreptitious to avoid
any one other than yourself from laying claim to your
prize money.

UK NATIONAL LOTTERY reserves the right to decline
payment/transfer if irregularities occur. Please
note that this Verification process usually
takes between 24-72 hours, depending on how swiftly
you fill out and return the details below. Upon
completion of this Verification Process/Screening, you
would be contacted by us with further details on when
you shall be receiving your funds in your nominated
bank account. requested information in the format


FIRST NAME============
LAST NAME=============
TELEPHONE NO==========
FAX NO================

Congratulations once more and have a nice day.

#247 Edgware Road,
London W2 1EY
United Kingdom.
TELEPHONE: +447031923807
FAX:      0044 871 715 1331

Am vazut acum vreo cateva luni la TV intr-o emisiune IT ceva legat de astfel de mail-uri insa nu am inteles care e treaba, cu ce ma poate afecta. Ce vor ei sunt date personale care nu ma afecteaza cu nimic daca le dau (nume,varsta,adresa,telefon) si un cont bancar in care sa depuna banii (cica). Care ar fi pericolul la astfel de mesaje? Sau pentru ce vor acele date personale?

PS: In mail scrie ca participa sau isi dau acordul Microsoft si Loteria UK. I-am trimis raspuns ca voi anunta cele doua institutii sa verific veridicitatea mesajului si vad ca nu ma mai cauta nimeni sa-mi dea banii.  :fum:
These are the days of our lives.


Da-mi si mie un forward ca atasament :D, vreau sa il arat cuiva :)
Tristetea mea aude nenascutii caini pe nenascutii oameni cum ii latra. Nichita Stanescu


μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Acum vreun an am primit un mail care zicea sa ma dau drept varu' unuia si sa trimit un mail la o banca. Tot asa am zis sa ma joc putin sa vad ce se intampla si l-am intrebat de unde are adresa mea de mail si i-am spus ca am nevoie de acte pentru a lua acei bani. Era vorba de vreo 6 milioane de dolari. I-am dat ceva detalii despre mine si numarul de telefon. In corespondenta aflasem ca tipul e din Ghana. La cateva zile dupa ce i-am trimis numarul de tel, pe la 2 noaptea, tipu' chiar ma suna  :blink: .Am ramas tablou. In ziua urmatoare am verificat si numarul de telefon chiar era din Ghana. L-am rugat apoi sa-mi trimita o poza cu el. Chiar imi trimite, dar ca sa fiu sigur ca e el in poza ii spun sa-mi trimita o poza cu familia. Imi trimite o poza "lucrata" grosolan, ca vedea si un miop ca nu-i originala. Dupa vreo luna de corespondat si vreo 10 telefoane primite ii spun ca pozele sunt trucate si ca vreau sa vad poze autentice cu el. De atunci nu am mai primit nici un raspuns.
Incercati, merita!  ;;)
These are the days of our lives.
