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nu pot monta un hdd...

Started by kquizak, 28 January 2007, 14:17

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[root@localhost ~]# mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb /mnt/hdb
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

[root@localhost ~]# dmesg |tail
hfs: unable to find HFS+ superblock
end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 0
printk: 1 messages suppressed.
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Unable to read primary boot sector.
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume.
end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 0
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Unable to read primary boot sector.
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): read_ntfs_boot_sector(): Mount option errors=recover not used. Aborting without trying to recover.
NTFS-fs error (device hdb): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume. ---nmap yourself


Esti sigur ca vrei /dev/hdb si nu /dev/hdb1 ?
hdb inseamna tot hardisk-ul, chiar daca ai o singura partitie pe el, tot trebuie sa accesezi partitia si nu discul la montare.
Ca sa vezi ce partitii ai pe el ar fi bine sa dai urmatoarea comanda
fdisk -l /dev/hdb


am o sg partitie pe e sigur ntfs...
l-am facut...era ceva problema cu controlerul.... ---nmap yourself


Nu prea pricep cum "l-ai făcut", că e cum a zis kman - adică mount -t <ceva> -o <ceva> /dev/hdb1 <undeva> . :blink:
Would you like to ride on your own ass?


pai nu mergea nici cu hdb1(sau o aia am deschis topicul) reinstalat librariile si acum merge... ---nmap yourself


end_request: I/O error, dev hdb, sector 0 conform chestiei asteia intr-adevar era si o problema de acces la date, probabil panglica bagata prost sau disc pe moarte, sau dupa cum ai zis controller fucked up.

Acuma alta chestie care n-am inteles-o si de data asta mi se pare rupta de context e asta:
Quote from: reinstalat librariile si acum merge...
Ce librarii si ce treaba au librariile in tot topicul asta ???


sau cum ii zice la "driverul ntfs"...faza e ca acum chiar bulshit... ---nmap yourself