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Top Ten Video Game Weapons

Started by Foxter, 10 March 2007, 21:53

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Personal arma testoasa mi s-a parut ca a castigat un loc nemeritat de sus.
In plus in top nu au bagat armele din Crusader No Remorse si Crusader No Regret care depaseau serios cele din arcadeurile alea cam copilaresti.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


e o prostie. GravityGun si BFG is sungurele care meritau intradevar mentionate in top. restul is glume bune. unde e rocket launcheru, unde-i plasmagunu, m4a1, ak47, etc...
Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


QuoteThe red turtle shell... due to their ease of use and near 100% success rate...
Criteriile sunt de... :bleah:

Rocketu'... poate, da' plasmagunu nu e cine şite ce. M4 sau AK-u' nici atât :P
Mie mi se apre mai mişto Grabber-ul din Doom 3 ROE decât GravityGun.
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Ţestoase? Wtf? Unde-i Redeemer-ul? :fum:
She shuts the doors and lights / And lays her body on the bed / Where images and words are running deep / She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head / So quietly she lays and waits for sleep (Dream Theater, Wait for Sleep)


Unde-i lightsaberul, unde-i Scythe of the Celt? :((
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Unde-i Spirit Reaver-ul din Legacy of Kain - Defiance? Unde-i Wail of the Banshee? :P Unde-i Ion Painter-ul?
She shuts the doors and lights / And lays her body on the bed / Where images and words are running deep / She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head / So quietly she lays and waits for sleep (Dream Theater, Wait for Sleep)


Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


Ion pictoru', tipu' care i-a zugrăvit lui Velkan casa. :rotfl: E o armă din UT2004: de fapt nu e o armă propriuzisă, ci un TDS (target designation system) folosit pentru a ghida tirul unui laser de pe orbită or smth.
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Da, e Ion Zugravu. :rotfl:

QuoteIon Painter: Primary fire design it is targeted by an orbital cannon which causes an explosion similar to that of the Redeemer.
...doar că rade juma' de hartă. :fum:
She shuts the doors and lights / And lays her body on the bed / Where images and words are running deep / She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head / So quietly she lays and waits for sleep (Dream Theater, Wait for Sleep)


pai parca redeemeru radea juma' de harta in UT '99. si asta e la fel de puternic?
Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


Miniature nuclear missile vs. orbital cannon. :crazy:

PS: Blasfemie! N-ai jucat UT2004! :D
She shuts the doors and lights / And lays her body on the bed / Where images and words are running deep / She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head / So quietly she lays and waits for sleep (Dream Theater, Wait for Sleep)


ba am jucat si 2003 si 2004 si in special onslaught dar f putin. asa, de vreo 2-3 ori :D [oricum UT99 rulz]
Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


Că tot veni vorba de rulz, poate testăm armele din UT-uri ce ziceţi? Aşa, seara, cîte o oră, să vedem, e pe bune topul ăla sau nu? :ninja:
The soul of computer technology


Shotgunu' din DOOM 2. Provides more fun ...


Quote from: FATHER on 12 March 2007, 12:08
Shotgunu' din DOOM 2. Provides more fun ...

Care din ele, ăl' simplu sau double barrel?  :yahoo:

Eu personal aş propune Disruptor Pulse Launcher/Blaster Launcher (X-com)
nuke-ul din Shadow Warrior  :fum:

dar astea nu se pun pentru că acel clasament îi din jocuri de pe console...


si ca sa mei revenim cu picioarele pe pamant si la arme lai "reale": 10mm HV Penetrator din F.E.A.R. o arma excelenta.
Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


Da, e un super feeling să fixezi inamicii de pereţi cu el. Dar să nu uităm încarnările precedente ale armei respective - (super)nailgunul din Quake şi stakegunul din Painkiller. :sal:
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Stakegun-ul trage cu fripturi?  :crazy: - Comunitatea competiţiilor de overclocking din România.

Ajutaţi-l să trăiască:


Depinde ce consideri tu o friptură. :slap:
Would you like to ride on your own ass?


Steak e friptură, nu stake :crazy: :slap:
The soul of computer technology

CQ - Comunitatea competiţiilor de overclocking din România.

Ajutaţi-l să trăiască:


Quote from: MLADEN on 13 March 2007, 17:35
Quote from: FATHER on 12 March 2007, 12:08
Shotgunu' din DOOM 2. Provides more fun ...

Care din ele, ăl' simplu sau double barrel?  :yahoo:

Ala dublu... Si nu din DOOM2 ci din Quake2. :)  Distractia era sa te apropii suficient de aproape incat sa-l spulberi din prima... 
Cu armele gen sniper sau long range iti faci treaba mai bine dar ma si plictiseam mai repede...


Arma mea sniper favorita era cea din MDK.
De asemenea Jackhammerul in timp normal si Colt Comando in Bullet Time mi-au placut mult in Max Paine.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.