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Started by Foxter, 26 April 2008, 00:30

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A aparut Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) si versiunile lui cu KDE (Kubuntu) si  Xfce (Xubuntu).
Pe cei il testeaza ii rog sa posteze impresile aici.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Am avut (cred) ocazia să văd cum se comportă noul mod de securitate pe desktop (PolicyKit). Am dat să văd Administration/Services. De obicei mă întreba direct parola. Acum a deschis lista de servicii, se putea examina, dar nu se putea modifica nimic, iar jos apăruse un buton numit "Unlock". Abia cînd l-am folosit a cerut parola iar lista a devenit modificabilă. Interesant sistem. Detalii aici.


O chestie misto care am apucat sa o folosesc destul de mult in ultima vreme e KVM + libvirt.
Am pus cu succes pe el windows xp, windows server 2008, ubuntu 6.06, ubuntu 8.04, si freebsd 7.0 si se comporta decent.
Un singur bug, destul de deranjant, nu se poate folosi intr-un mod util consola virtuala, dupa instalare mai bine se foloseste remote desktop sau ssh + X11 forwarding pentru *NIX-uri.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.