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Started by Foxter, 21 April 2010, 09:05

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True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Oare câţi îşi vor cumpăra un iPad din alt motiv decât curiozitatea? Eu unul n-aş da banii pe aşa ceva, mi se pare un gadget inutil nevoilor mele şi asta în special fiindcă e castrat de tot ce înseamnă un dispozitiv mobil la pretenţiile tehnologice actuale.
These are the days of our lives.


Ideea de iPad mi se pare ok, doar ca are prea multe limitari. Poate ca m-ar fi interesat unul daca ar rula Win7.


iPad e ok atata timp cat e privit ca o jucarie
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Jucărie cu preţ de plecare la 2600 lei? Eu nu cumpăr câinelui cât trăieşte mâncare de banii ăştia, dar să-i dau pe o porcărie? Please!
Oricum am considerat dintotdeauna Apple ca fiind o firmă de fiţe, măcar bine că vin alţii cu jucării mai dotate: WePad
These are the days of our lives.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Comparatia cu XOOM este interesanta. Desi personal cred ca Android inca mai are loc de "crescut" in domeniul graficii...
Unsigned integer


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.