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SSD Drives

Started by Foxter, 20 October 2008, 19:18

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True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Îmi place concluzia de la primul articol: Intel's SSD 320 would've been a great drive to have a year ago.  :cheesy:
E bine totuşi că apar tehnologiile noi, 600Gb pe un SSD e ceva. Sper ca în 3 ani să avem SSD de 1TB la preţuri accesibile.
These are the days of our lives.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Ah crap, piece of shate. Le-am observat și eu acum cîteva zile. Au un rahat de tehnologie "MLC", și suportă sub 10000 de cicluri de scriere. Evident, o chestie din asta cu mulți GiB și cu wear leveling o să reziste o grămadă. Însă versiunea de 60 GiB pusă pe post de C:, sau pe drive-ul cu /tmp, s-ar putea să fie la limită. Ne onorează cineva cu calcule și date (cît scrie scrie zilnic în /tmp, de ex.)?

Post Merge: 04 June 2011, 11:07

,,... new 25nm NAND FLASH memories, the overall lifespan of the ICs has been reduced from 10.000 towards 5,000 program/erase cycles. Rumors are that the numbers for consumer grade 25nm NAND flash memory (as used on the SSD tested today) are even lower at 3000 program/erase cycles."


În ani de utilizare cât înseamnă?  :unsure:
These are the days of our lives.


Oh well, înseamnă mai mult decît mă așteptam...
Pe calculatorul meu care a fost pornit vreo 12 ore în ultima zi s-au scris pe hdd 11 GB (presupun că interpretez corect ce scrie în /proc/diskstats), dar cu utilizare super lejeră (văzut 2 filme, 2 știri și în rest mers în gol).
La 11GB/zi, un hdd de 60 GB și 3000 de cicluri ține peste 40 de ani.


QuoteLa 11GB/zi, un hdd de 60 GB și 3000 de cicluri ține peste 40 de ani.
1. Probabil ca ai interpretat gresit. Pe discul de system (C:) cred ca este exagerat sa ai 11GBytes/zi. Si pe saptamana ar fi mult. Eu as face un temp pe virtual RAM, nu pe flashul din SDD. Si fara page file pe SDD.
2. Da, un SDD actual probabil ca se va uza moral inainte de uzura pur fizica.
Dar calculul tau este gresit. O sa stai cu un SDD care are 80-90% bad-uri? Probabil ca nu. Uzual, SDD-urile au "ascunse" sectoare de "rezerva". Un 60GB are probabil reali 64GB. Cand aia 4GB "de rezerva" se umplu cu sectoare busite (se remapeaza bad-urile), o sa constati o inrautatire masiva a performantei. Aia ar fi finalul vietii unui SDD.
Unsigned integer


Pai aproape jumatate poate veni de la un pagefile de 4GB sau poate chiar de 8GB daca esti dement sa lasi marimea recomandata de SO :D Apoi sa zicem ca lucrezi in Photoshop si/sau Premiere si setezi C: ca Scratch disk (si ai vrea, ca doar pentru asta ai luat SSD); chiar si pentru un amator poate insemna cativa GB de date. Pentru un profesionist e posibil ca 60GB sa nu fie de ajuns...
uTorrent - daca e setat aiurea se poate intampla ca fisierele sa fie scrise mai intai pe C: (tine de disk cache am impresia)
Youtube - 20 de filmulete HD pe zi poate insemna lejer 1GB
+ toate maruntisurile care se aduna
Bineinteles ca nu se intampla toate astea zilnic, dar eu zic ca in medie se pot atinge 11GB sau chiar mai mult.

@alecs1 un lucru pe care ai uitat sa il iei in calcul e ca "uzura zilnica" tine doar de spatiul liber, nu de intreaga capacitate a SSD-ului. Daca am doar 11GB liberi si scriu 11 pe zi asta inseamna cel putin un ciclu. Spun "cel putin" pentru ca exista nesansa ca unele sectoare sa fie rescrise de mai multe ori in timp ce altele sa ramana neatinse. Asa cum spunea SoNic, e suficient sa moara cateva si s-a cam zis cu SSD-ul.
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.