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Sisteme Home Theatre PC (HTPC)

Started by Foxter, 01 May 2008, 16:05

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True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Scumpe dom'le, scumpe.

ASRock ION 3D costă 1600 lei la noi.
QuoteProcesor: Intel Atom D525 1.8GHz,1MB L2 Cache
Memorie: 2GB 800MHz DDR2
Hard Disk: 320GB 5400 rpm SATA
Placa video: NVIDIA GeForce GT218

Dintre toate astea doar placa video pare ceva mai răsărită.

Dell Inspiron Zino costă la noi 2700 lei.  :blink:
QuoteProcessor : AMD X2 6850E(1.8GHz,512k)
Memory : 4096MB (2x2048) 800MHz DDR2
HDD 500GB Serial ATA (7200RPM)
ODD 8X DVD+/-RW Drive
Graphics : 512 MB ATI Radeon HD 4330

Despre placa video nu ştiu, dar la descriere văd că are o cârcă de software inclus care bineînţeles costă bani şi nu ştiu dacă tot va fi util.

Din nou spun, scump dom'le, dincolo era mai ieftin. Eu am făcut o configuraţie aşa:
Placă de bază Asus AT3IONT Deluxe
Memorie 4Gb (2x2Gb) 1033MHz DDR3
HDD 2x1TB Samsung
Video: Integrated NVIDIA ION graphics processor

La sistemul ăsta lipseşte doar o carcasă serioasă, acum am pus componentele într-o Delux M198. E un jaf dar e micuţă, am pus hdd-urile între nişte bureţi să nu vibreze tabla şi e silent. Cu un ventilator pe cooler stă aproape constant în 30-33 grade. Un total ca preţ ar fi 800 (MB)+200 (RAM)+400 (HDD) adică 1400 lei. Dar e net superioară la caracteristici faţă de ASRock-ul ăla. Probabil cu o carcasă cât de cât ar ajunge la acelaşi preţ. Dar nu mă lasă inima să dau 500 lei pe o cutie de tablă...cât o fi ea de firmă. Despre Dell-ul ăla nu mai spun nimic, cu banii ăia faci ditamai uzina de HTPC care să fie şi silent şi "verde" la consumul de energie electrică.
These are the days of our lives.


Sunt de acord cu tine si banuiesc ca sunt 2 chestiuni de vina pt preturile asa mari ale sistemelor de tipul asta:

1- Ideea e ca trebuie sa platesti pt avea ceva cat mai mic, stilat  si mai putin consumator de energie electrica.
Dupa parerea producatorilor aceste avantaje ar depasi faptul ca la acesti bani ai putea cumpara ceva mai puternic.

2-In Romania, preturile par sa depaseasca cu mult preturile din strainatate.

Eu am cumparat in decembrie 2010 un Asrock ION 330 luat SH de la un amic cu 600RON. Daca nu aparea ocazia asta nu as fi luat asa ceva. Totusi modelul asta desi e folosit mai mult pe post de HTPC merge excelent ca office/browsing/IM. Tinand cont de acest lucru m-am gandit sa prezint in acest thread cateva modele mai interesante chiar daca preturile lor la noi depasesc nivelul normalului.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Păi e diferență destul de mare, pe Amazon AT3IONT costă 200$ iar eu am dat pe ea aproape 200 Euro. Deci asta înseamnă un preț cu 25% mai mare. Acum nu știu dacă să dau vina pe importator sau pe retailer, deși au și cei din urmă partea lor de profit gras profitând de pe urma scăderii concurenței în ultima perioadă.
Un coleg a comandat ASUS AT5ION-I din SUA și a dat pe ea 180$. Asta încă nu se găsește la noi dar cu siguranță va fi cel puțin 200 Euro.
These are the days of our lives.


Faptul ca in EU bancile zic ca un Euro face 1.20 USD este perceptia lor, menita sa sustina moneda locala. Realitatea este ca cei ce fac produsele electronice - japonezi, chinezi, coreeni - evalueaza Euro la paritate cu USD si cer preturi in consecinta.
In plus ar mai fi aspectul ca in EU se platesc si accize plus taxe pe valoare adaugata mai mari. Cand "comanzi din SUA" nu platesti nici un fel de taxe in SUA. Nu este acelasi lucru cand comanzi din EU...
Unsigned integer


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Versiunea veche, 252B costa azi 1.000$. Versiunea asta are un hdd in plus, in rest specificatiile par asemanatoare.
Mie mi se pare putin overkill sa pui i5 pe un sistem htpc care in mare parte a timpului va functiona ca media player sau NAS. Iar pretul nu-l avantajeaza, doar carcasa de mici dimensiuni.
These are the days of our lives.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.