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MSDN Academic Alliance

Started by Chipicao, 29 December 2007, 23:25

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E vreo diferenţă între software-ul downloadat gratis de la MSDNAA şi variantele pe bani?
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


We dance, and the music dies...


Cu mentiunea ca am impresia ca nu ai voie sa comercializezi spre exemplu soft scris in Visual Studio daca il iei de pe MSDNAA. Sau nu ai voie sa folosesti Windows Server pe un sistem de productie, sau ca licentele pt tot ce downloadezi de acolo sunt valabile doar cat esti inscris in facultatea respectiva.


Ai voie -- de fapt, chiar e incurajat. Si licentele sunt valabile forever, si dupa ce se termina facultatea.
We dance, and the music dies...


A, da? :fum: Atunci e bine, desi mie o gramada de colegi mi-au spus ca exista limitarile astea...


Ai licenta toata viata cu conditia sa nu o folosesti in scop comercial. Problema e ca merg doar vreo 7 activari.
These are the days of our lives.


Visual Studio de exemplu esti chiar incurajat sa il folosesti in mod comercial.
We dance, and the music dies...


Unde? Din cate stiam dupa ce termini facultatea tre' sa-l cumperi ca sa-l poti folosi. Mai mult, ce produci pe perioada studiilor poate deveni coproprietate a universitatii/facultatii.
These are the days of our lives.


Câteva FAQ (pe care ar fi trebuit să le citesc al început :fight:):

Q: Can I install my software on two computers at once?
A: Yes, as long as you are the owner of both computers and both are being used for instructional purposes. NOTE: If you require another key for a product you must contact the PA (program administrator) at your school. Your PA's contact email information can be found in the support page. Click on the Support button above. Also, friends, family and colleagues not currently enrolled in a course that is part of an MSDNAA department are not allowed to access or use the software available from this website. (For examples of appropriate usage see:

Q: I have a new computer now, how can I re-install my software?
A: You are allowed to install the software more than once based at the discretion of the program administrator and the software distribution method chosen (i.e. Download, Cd Check Out).

Q: Is the software permanently unlocked by the license (or "key")?
A: No - the key allows you to install the software once. If you need to re-install the software, you will need to contact the PA (Program Administrator) at your school. Your PA's contact email information can be found in the support page. To view this information, please click on the Support button above.

Q: Do MSDNAA products provide the same functionality as those available through the retail market?
A: Yes, a product purchased through the MSDNAA program offers the same functionality as a product purchased through the retail market.

Auzisem şi eu că poţi păstra softul chiar şi după ce termini facultatea...
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


In privinta activarilor e clar ca nu e adresat studentilor betatesteri. Daca reusesc sa isi distruga Winul des, partea birocratica a obtinerii unui nou cod e cam prea mare pt ei.

Vad din linkul tau ca MSDN AA nu e gratuita pentru facultate. Practic prefera sa dea la pret mai redus softwareul decat sa fie si mai piratati. So much for Microsoft charity.  ;;)
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Tu vezi ce pret are? Fix pix.
We dance, and the music dies...


"An organization that has Faculty and/or Students currently teaching or taking one or more Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) courses may purchase an MSDN AA membership and distribute MSDN AA Software to the current STEM Faculty and Students within their organization."

Nu sunt o astfel de organizatie ca sa pot sa intreb cat cere Microsoftul. Daca stii te rog posteaza sa aflam si noi.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Intre $700 si $1,400... Fix pix pentru o facultate cu cateva mii de studenti.
We dance, and the music dies...


noi am dat 750, si avem o tona de softuri, fiecare student. deci e mai mult decat gratis, e pomana :D