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Mentalitatea unui producator de Rogue Anti-Spyware

Started by Foxter, 29 November 2006, 01:18

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Puteti vedea aici o discutie intre un producator de software fraudulos (software ce incearca sa pacaleasca utilizatorii in cumpararea  unui program ce lupta impotriva spyware-ului dar de fapt nu il detecteaza si in plus mai da si rezultate false) si membrii unui forum care lupta impotriva spyware-ului.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


un motiv destul de bun sa folosesti soft cunoscut pt rezultatele bune: SpyBot Search and Destoy, AdAware. restul nu conteaza.
Toshiba Satellite A200-1S5: Intel Centrino C2D T5250 1.5GHz, 2GB Ram, 120GB HDD, ATI Mobility Radeon HD2600, Vista Premium


Niste nenorociti, i-as da in judecata daca as putea.. Ii consider la fel de idioti ca si creatorii virusilor/etc..
Tristetea mea aude nenascutii caini pe nenascutii oameni cum ii latra. Nichita Stanescu



Eu nu i-as da in judecata, lumea e proasta si pentru asta merita pedepsita.


Si cum i-ai pedepsi tu, ma rog :D? Nu vad alta cale de (contra?)atac..
Tristetea mea aude nenascutii caini pe nenascutii oameni cum ii latra. Nichita Stanescu


Cred că ccc se referă la cei care iau ţeapă şi instalează orice program care le apare într-o fereastra de browser, şi le promite că găteşte, spala şi... :">. Cei care dau click deamp*lea pe orice link primit pe YM; şi exemplele pot continua.
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Dap, iti dau perfecta dreptate! Nu stiu ce o fost in capul meu.. Acum fug la somnic, poate maine pricep mai bine  :huh:

Este intr-adevar vina lor, da' si Rogue crap astia sunt sub orice critica.. La parnaie cu ei :D
Tristetea mea aude nenascutii caini pe nenascutii oameni cum ii latra. Nichita Stanescu


La ce se mai gandesc escrocii online:

PC Tools issues warning to singles on social networking and online dating sites: Beware of "flirting robots"

San Francisco, December 12, 2007: PC Tools today has uncovered new software developed in Russia that flirts with females or males seeking relationships online in order to collect their personal data.

The software, CyberLover, can conduct fully automated flirtatious conversations with users of chat-rooms and dating sites to lure them into a set of dangerous actions such as sharing their identity or visiting web sites with malicious content.

According to its creators, CyberLover can establish a new relationship with up to ten partners in just 30 minutes and its victims cannot distinguish it from a human being.

PC Tools is concerned about the program's ability to mimic human behavior during online interactions and urges internet users to beware of this new breed of software that can easily be used for malicious purposes. The concept behind this software could be the catalyst for a dangerous new trend in malware evolution.

"As a tool that can be used by hackers to conduct identity fraud, CyberLover demonstrates an unprecedented level of social engineering," says Sergei Shevchenko, Senior Malware Analyst at PC Tools. "It employs highly intelligent and customized dialogue to target users of social networking systems."

"Internet users today are generally aware of the dangers of suspicious attachments and URLs they receive, the documents they open or the websites they visit, but CyberLover employs a new technique that is unheard of — and that's what makes it particularly dangerous."

"CyberLover has been designed as a bot [robot] that lures victims automatically, without human intervention. If it's spawned in multiple instances on multiple servers, the number of potential victims could be very substantial," says Shevchenko.

According to PC Tools researchers, the CyberLover software:

    * offers a variety of profiles ranging from 'romantic lover' to 'sexual predator;'
    * uses a series of easily configurable "dialogue scenarios" with pre-programmed questions and discussion topics;
    * is designed to recognize the responses of chat-room users to tailor its interaction accordingly;
    * compiles a detailed report on every person it meets and submits then to a remote source — the reports contain confidential information that the victim has shared with the bot, which can include the victim's name, contact details and personal photo(s);
    * invites victims to visit a "personal" website or blog which could in fact be a fake page used to automatically infect visitors with malware.

Though Cyberlover is currently targeting Russian web sites, social networkers and online daters in the United States are urged to stay alert to unusual activity credited to programs like CyberLover.

To protect themselves, PC Tools recommends:

    * Never give your personal details to anyone over the internet.
    * Consider using aliases/fake names on social networking sites and when chatting online.
    * Carefully monitor the online behavior of your family members and educate them of the dangers.
    * Ensure you have up-to-date AntiVirus and Anti-Spyware installed, with real-time and behavioral protection.

Au ras de cei care au zis ca retelele sociale nu sunt un pericol direct/indirect asupra intimitatii userilor dar cine rade la urma...
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Sincer, tre' sa fii prea prost sa nu-ti dai seama la un moment dat ca vorbesti cu un robot. Inteligenta artificiala inca n-a ajuns la un stadiu atat de avansat incat sa creeze boti care sa poata efectua o conversatie 100% coerenta.
These are the days of our lives.


Quote from: Foxter on 18 December 2007, 15:03Though Cyberlover is currently targeting Russian web sites, social networkers and online daters in the United States are urged to stay alert to unusual activity credited to programs like CyberLover.
Ia să ne gândim la profilul unui individ care intră în targetul botului respectiv, adică utilizator de hi5 & such (pe deasupra și versiunea rusească :cpp: ): un kinder semialfabetizat, incult, disperat după atenție, very good engrish abilities, IQ modest... am uitat ceva? Nu e prea greu să treci un test Turing cu așa interlocutor. :)

Bonus: era posibil să vorbești cu Moș Crăciun pe MSN -; acu' vreo 2 săptămâni era foarte amuzant, puteai să-l convingi să spună obscenități și să facă propuneri indecente. :fum: Se pare că l-au oprit. :(

Bonus 2:

Bonus 3: nu-l mai credeți pe Foxter, e colaboraționist. :P
Would you like to ride on your own ass?


Cred ca la Bonusul 3, TC se refera la faptul ca lucrez la o companie care e cunoscuta mai ales pentru un produs a carei reclama a fost ultima picatura, acea picatura ce a determinat formarea

PS: Nu lucrez la divizia Bitdefender, sunt prea mare fan al sistemelor HIPS si al KAV-ului ca sa aleg un astfel de loc de munca.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Curiozitate, Foxter, mai ai activitate şi pe alte forumuri? Observ că scrii texte destul de detaliate, şi aici forumiştii sunt încă puţini.


Desi forumul SayIT este cel de "suflet" mai activez si pe XF, forumul Abit si uneori mai stau si pe chip (recunosc ca imi place sa mai ajut juniorii si pe chip gasesc destui). Mai activez rar pe si forumul Ubuntu.

Cum sunt pasionat de securitatea informatica de baza multe din posturile mele sunt legate de acest subiect.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.