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Spammeri prosti

Started by Praetor, 09 December 2007, 21:21

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Primesc pe mailul de yahoo (bagat direct in bulk) o invitatie de la nu stie ce retea sociala romaneasca de la un membru pe care of course nu-l cunosc. Hai sa ma amuz si sa dau click pe invitatie, ma duce pe contul meu direct. long story short ajung pe pagina de make money a indivizilor. (screenshot atasat)

Interesant cum dau ei idei de unde sa spamezi etc.

Asa ca daca stiti vreun link de organizatie anti spam as vrea sa le trimit frumosul screenshot (eram logat pe romana dar f probabil exista si-n engleza, nu de alta dar cum plata se face via cec in Romania .... ha ha )


mmorisson? that mmorisson again? Nu-l violeaza nimeni anal?

/edit -- Ah Praetor scuza-ma, te-am confundat cu un lamer... Imi cer scuze stimabile :).
We dance, and the music dies...



Quote from: ~Empathy~ on 09 December 2007, 22:05
mmorisson? that mmorisson again? Nu-l violeaza nimeni anal?

/edit -- Ah Praetor scuza-ma, te-am confundat cu un lamer... Imi cer scuze stimabile :).

Ăla e morrinsomn, parcă :))
The soul of computer technology


Din pacate doar mailuri poti raporta, iar in cazul meu yahoo il pusese in bulk deci era considerat spam. Ce mi s-a parut ma mult decat jenant e politica lor sa-ti spuna sa spamezi tu ca user diverse locuri (pe langa lipsa de cratima sau litere mancate).


He-he! Mai ai 999 de invitatii  :gigea:


From: Sales Stores <>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2007 6:19:32 PM
Subject: Ai fost ales Castigator de SALES STORES !


Where everything is always ON SALE!


      Compania noastra Sales  STORE S cu   sediul central in Canada, infiintata in anii 90' producator si importator de gadgeturi si produse de ultima generatie & tehnologie are deschise reprezentante in cateva din complexele Mall, din orasele mari din Romania.

      Echipa noastra de profesionisti va sta intotdeauna la dispozitie cu noile oferte si produse importate direct de la distribuitori ce au o calitate superioara si in primul rand un design deosebit si original ce ofera unicitatea lor si sunt recunoscute in intreaga lume.

      In aceasta perioada a SARBATORILOR DE IARNA dorim sa promovam produsele noastre, iar cu aceasta ocazie vrem sa oferim cadouri dumneavoastra care sa va aduca bucurie si in ultimul rand un confort sporit familiei.

      Am decis sa va oferim pentru  10  utlizatori de internet de pe teritoriul Romaniei    premii ce constau intr-un pachet compus din :

- 1 T V LCD PA NASONIC HIGH DEFINIT ION avand o valoare de  2,870 $


-         1 Fot oliu Preziden tial  Real Pro Elite Panasonic avand o valoare de  2,284 $

Acest pachet promotional oferit dumneavoastra are un cod unic , acesta fiind:



(Pastrati acest cod si nu il instrainati, acesta fiind codul dumneavoastra de validare care il veti prezenta la primirea pachetului ce dovedeste ca sunteti castigator)

In acest moment ca si castigator va rugam sa completati urmatoarele date :







Nu uitati sa vizitati situl nostru :


                                                                                                                   Magda Elena

                                                                                                                        Dobrescu Florin

                                                                                                               Gh Simion

      NOTE ATACHED                                                                                 Luiza Carmen

Un mail ce duhneste a spam. Cat de tantalau sa fii sa crezi asa ceva ?

True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Desigur sunt si destui care sa creada in asa ceva, ca de...mare Ti-e gradina Doamne. Atat timp cat ei trimit mail-uri din astea exista si oameni care sa creada in asa ceva! :crazy:
"Audacia et devotio"-Motto pompieri militari ( ai mei :) )

"Semper Fidelis" Motto USMC


Intreresant ar fi ca un avocat ceva sa le dea in cap. Practic ei te-au anuntat ca si castigator. Si parca si la noi s-a votat ca reclama mincinoasa e ilegala. Daca emailul a pornit de la acea firma, nu pot invoca faptul ca 'a fost hackerul'.


Eu m-as tine de ei pana se plictisesc. Asta fiindca e din Ro, altfel nici nu m-as obosi.
Vad ca au dat si cod pentru premiu. Dati-mi ba fotoliul si tv-ul ca va sparg! :crazy:
These are the days of our lives.


Am primit urmatorul mail de 2 ori:
Happy Birthday Windows Vista!

As we approach the one year anniversary of launching Windows Vista® we want to remember you as one of the many people who downloaded and tested one of the Windows Vista Beta or Release Candidates through TechNet or MSDN®.YOU were a significant contributor to the development of Windows Vista. Your participation was extremely valuable to Microsoft, and we would like to say, "Thank You!"

To show our appreciation, we have several special offers exclusively available to you.

Just go to your favorite retail or online store and purchase a standalone, full package Windows Vista Ultimate product, full or upgrade version, and we will match that with a second, complimentary Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade product key. We will honor a copy you purchased, and first activated, after December 1, 2007. Hurry! This offer expires on January 15, 2008.

To take advantage of this great offer, simply follow these steps:

   1. Go to
   2. Sign in using the same Windows Live ID that you used to download the beta or release candidate versions of Windows Vista.
   3. Follow the instructions to locate the Product ID on the computer running the qualifying copy Windows Vista Ultimate that you recently purchased.
   4. Enter that Product ID into the online form.
   5. We will then provide you with a Windows Vista Ultimate upgrade key, so you can install Windows Vista Ultimate onto a second machine. (The second machine must have Windows XP or a version of Windows Vista already installed in order to upgrade)

Please note that this key is NOT for resale, although you may give it as a gift to a friend or colleague. Limit one complimentary key per person. Windows Vista Ultimate Academic and Student versions are not included in this promotion.

Offer 2: We also have one hundred $250 gift certificates to give away!
To thank you for helping make Windows Vista the most reliable Windows® yet, taking a short online survey and you be entered to win a $250 Amazon gift certificate (US store, shipping worldwide) to spend however you wish.

Take the short survey here: http://www.windowsvistaevalcomp.comand we will include your name for a chance to win. The survey is anonymous but we need your name for the prize. Of course, we respect your privacy. All entries must be completed by January 15, 2008

Offer 3: Would you like a truly unique computer personally signed by Bill Gates?
We'd like to give you the opportunity to own a truly unique computer. This computer is the ASUS W5fe. It is very powerful, small, light weight and incorporates the Windows SideShow™ technology. Each one is personally signed by Bill Gates. We have ten available, but you can only enter to win if you participated in the Windows Vista Beta or Release Candidates through TechNet or MSDN.

Simply come to, tell us how you put Windows Vista to work along with your top tips and best practices to get going with Windows Vista today. We'll select the top ten entries to be published. (Only one story per participant, please.)
All entries must be completed by January 15, 2008

And in closing, there is so much written about Windows Vista, how do you sort through and find the right information at the right time, and with the right technical depth? Visit Microsoft's newest TechNet resource: Windows Vista Springboard—the onramp for IT Pros.

Thank again for participating in the Windows Vista Beta Program!

Thank you!

Celine Allee
Director, Windows Client

Am trimis mailul la Microsoft sa ii intreb daca este adevarata oferta, iar raspunsul lor a fost:

Va multumim ca ati contactat Microsoft Infocenter.

Corporatia Microsoft nu are nici un amestec in initierea sau finantarea unui astfel de concurs.

Pentru promotii, evenimente si concursuri initiate de Microsoft va recomandam sa vizitati site-ul corporatiei la adresa:

Organele abilitate pentru rezolvarea acestei sesizari sunt Politia si Interpol-ul care au fost deja informate de catre colegii mei de la Microsoft Romania in urma altor sesizari de acest gen.

Daca mai aveti probleme sau nelamuriri nu ezitati sa ne contactati.
"Sa nu crezi ce-ti spun acum
Vorbele-mi sunt vant nebun
Sa nu crezi ce-ti spun acum
Chiar de eu iti spun..."


Mai nou vad ca s-au apucat si cei de la Samsung (samsungmobile) de trimis spam. Ce idioti.  :nervos:

These are the days of our lives.


De curand am primit si eu un spam, dar nu pe calc ci pe telefon. Cica am castigat de la domo un televizor si 2000$, sanchi.
Ma fac ca merg pe pista si le dau telefon. Ma ia unu repede, ca sa-i dau numele si adresa ca sa imi trimita premiu, la care sotia mea (dadusem pe speaker) il intreaba pe ala cine este si la de la ce magazin sa ia premiu. Asta spune ca in primul rand sa dau numele. Si eu ii spun, nu il dau pentru ca nu cred ca este adevarat. Atunci ala trage o injuratura si imi inchide telefonul.
E prima oara cand primesc chestii din astea. Am vrut sa-i trimit si eu o injuratura, dar m-am gandit ca nu merita efortul. Oricum a luat teapa.Stiam de la inceput la ce ma pot astepta.
Ideea este ca romanul a prins gustul de asa ceva, si daca nu esti destept te-ai ars.
Intel Q9300, GA-EP45-DS3,4 GB RAM,NVIDIA 9600 GT,HDD Seagate 500GB, DVD-RW LG, TV Tunner Leadtek DV2000.


S-am mai castigat televizoare si la Altex si la Flamingo. Unii iti cereau sa iei o cartela de incarcare (probabil de tel) si sa le trimiti codul ca sa intri in posesia premiului.
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


S-au castigat multe...chestii.  ;;) Am o vecina care a primit un mesaj din asta, ca a castigat 2000E si un telefon, trebuie doar sa cumpere o cartela de 10E si sa trimita codul. Zis si facut. Acuma asteapta premiul... Nu mai spun ca isi facea planuri de investitie a banilor, abia astepta sa vada telefonul. Dar i-am spus eu crudul adevar; si totusi inca mai spera.  :slap:

PS: Ce penal arata spatierea dintre randuri cand bagi emo-uri in text.  :ninja:
These are the days of our lives.


Metode noi: trimite-mi fraiere adrese de mail cât mai multe că poţi câştiga o Dacie.


Ofertă primită pe mail. Legea spune că spamul e interzis, dar o plângere unde pot face?

These are the days of our lives.


Am primit si eu gunoiul ala ieri. Alaturi de el era si un spam mai vechi cu phishing Banca Transilvania. Se bazeaza pe faptul ca trimit atat de multe mailuri incat dau de useri care chiar au conturi la aceasta banca. Oricum amandoua mailurile au fost raportate ca spam. Pacat ca yahoo nu are si o setare gen raportare ca  phishing/malware content.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Hai lapcat, sa te vedem. :D Citeste intai ghid-ul (eu n-am avut rabdare :| ) si apoi poti depune o plangere online.
Sunt curios daca se vor lua masuri...
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Și am primit un răspuns...

Nu putem da raspuns la fiecare mesaj primit, pentru ca, din pacate, ar
insemna sa nu facem altceva toata ziua.
Va recomand sa faceti o plingere la  Autoritatea de la
care sunt competenti sa ia o masura contraventionala impotriva acestor
persoane care comercializeaza baza de date cu adrese de email.

Noi, in afara de o monitorizare a lor, nu putem face nimic.

Cu respect,
APTI - Asociatia pentru Tehnologie si Internet

Să vedem ce spun și cei de la sau cei de la, cărora le-am dat forward la mesajul ăla.
These are the days of our lives.


Faza e ca era recomandat sa trimiti la APTI tocmai pentru ca acestia filtreaza mesajele si le dau mai departe doar pe cele mai importante. Altfel, ANSPDCP "nu ar face altceva toata ziua"  ;;)
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


These are the days of our lives.


De la:
Jean Marc Gondoh <>
Today 13:07:58
Germark Cynthia
Cocody Abidjan,
Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire)

Bla bla în franceză despre imigrare şi moşteniri cred

Astăzi mi s-a îmtâmplat ceva foarte ciudat, am primit acelaşi spam pe 2 adrese de mail de la google. Sunt convins că google poate face 1 miliard de analize automate şi să afle care conturi sunt ale mele, când mă culc, când mă trezesc, în ce oraş stau, unde lucrez (nu mai continui că e înfricoşător, încerc să-mi restrâng oarecum utilizarea de servicii google) în funcţie de comportamentul programului de mail şi al browserului, dar mă gândeam că ar fi undeva spre imposibil să facă asta şi un spammer automat.
E un mesaj trimis de atâtea milioane de ori încât a ajuns la ambele adrese, sau deja m-a ochit un bot că ale 2 adrese sunt folosite de un singur om?


Sunt apropiate ca nume? Ca un generator automat de adrese cam asa ar lucra...
Unsigned integer


Ce am mai primit azi:

Subject: Contact Accredited Agent Immediately, Congratulations.
Date: Sat, 10 May 2008 13:02:56 -0400

The UK National Lottery
Themes mead,
London, L70 1NL,
United Kingdom.
P.O Box 1010.

                     From: The Office of the Online Coordinator
                           Promotions/Prize Award Department
                 UK National Lottery Sweepstakes' International.

Dear Certified Beneficiary,
We wish to congratulate and inform you of the result of the just concluded final draws (#1068) of the United Kingdom National Lottery International Online Sweepstakes program which is now available for claims. This online cyber lottery draws was conducted on an exclusive list of 67,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked from the internet by our E-games Random Selection System Search (ERSSS).  Of which your Email address attached to Reference Number: UK/9420X2/68 was luckily selected during the automated computer ballot draws as one of the 5 winners in the Match 5 plus bonus category with the following winning information below:

Batch Number: 074/05/ZY369
Reference Number: UK/9420X2/68

You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of  Ł1,000,000 (One million pounds sterling) credited to file KTU/9023118308/03 as this is from a total cash prize of Ł5,000,000 shared amongst the (5) lucky winners in your winning category "Match 5 plus". Your prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will be remitted to you upon meeting our requirements, statutory obligations, verifications, validations and satisfactory report.

We choose this method of winning notification to our certified winners to promote the use of the Internet/e-mail and we have also associated every e-mail address used in the draws with a reference number and batch number to identify the participants as no tickets were sold for this draws.

In other to claim your Ł1,000,000 GBP( One Million pounds sterling) winning prize, you are required to complete the (VERIFICATION AND FUND RELEASE FORM) below and send it to our under listed licensed and accredited Fiduciary agent via fax or email.

Accredited Fiduciary Agent: Mr. Larry Whiter.
Tel: Tel: +44-703-194-2862
Fax: +44- 870-479-6344

Full Names:
Present Address:
Present Country:
Telephone No:
Alternative Email Address:

a.) Due to our security measures to avoid any case of double claiming or abuse of this lottery program by other non participants or impersonators, you are advised to keep your winning details of this prize confidential from any third party(including friends and relations) till your claims have been processed and your funds remitted to you. Any discrepancies resulting from a breach of this confidentiality on the part of the winners will be covered solely by such winner.***Your Winning Information should be released only to our accredited Fiduciary agent for legal and security reasons!

b.) Note that there exists a periodic condition on all winning claims; therefore you have limited time to claim your winnings. Failure to claim your winning within the stipulated time frame will lead to the forfeiture of your winnings. You are therefore advice to act with the lottery regulations and have your prize remitted to you before the forfeiture date.
Once again do accept my hearty congratulations on behalf of the staffs and members of the UK National Lottery Online Sweepstakes International program!

Mrs. Kate Ross
Online coordinator for The UK National Lottery
Sweepstakes International Program.

Confidentiality Notice:
Please note that this email and any files that may be attached to it, is/are confidential and is/are intended for the sole use of the individual or entity (is) to which it/they is/are addressed. Any use, distribution, copying or disclosure by any other person or entity is strictly prohibited under applicable law(s). Opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to official business of NATIONAL LOTTERY and insurance shall be understood to be neither given nor endorsed by NATIONAL LOTTERY finance and insurance when addressed to concern finance and insurance clients; and any information contained in this email is subject to the terms and conditions of the governing client's contract(s).

AOL's new homepage has launched. Take a tour now.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Quote from: SoNic on 11 May 2008, 16:49
Sunt apropiate ca nume? Ca un generator automat de adrese cam asa ar lucra...
Nu, adresele nu se aseamănă deloc. Cu una mă înregistrez la newsletere şi raportez buguri, cealaltă e o adresă oficială (cred că am pus-o la profil) pe care primesc cantităţi foarte mici de spam în general.

Offtopic oarecum:
Spamul ăla puţin aşa cum e, bănuiesc că e din cauză că am câteva cunoştinţe cărora le-am scăpat adresa şi acuma mă închin la ele să nu-mi mai facă forward la forward etc. la powerpointuri cu flori, religie şi sfaturi de viaţă. Imaginaţi-vă că primesc mailuri în care s-au adunat înainte să ajungă la mine peste 1000 de adrese. Am avut răbdare şi am învăţat pe cineva cum să facă, dar rahatul de interfaţă de la yahoo nu oferă opţiunea de a face forward fără să pui tot ce a fost înainte, şi pentru a pune lumea la bcc trebuie apăsat un buton, pe care persoana respectivă îl uită de la mână până la gură permanent.


Poate ati vazut, poate nu, azi un agarici a gasit "CEA MAI SIMPLA METODA DE A FACE BANI PE INTERNET". E vorba de acest agarici mai precis.

IP-ul lui e si deocamdata am gasit doar pagina lui de pe hi5:  :bleah:

Ce idei aveti?
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Pentru început ban the little focker. Apoi ce se poate face cu ip-ul ăla în materie de fk the little focker?  :devil:
These are the days of our lives.


Ma gandeam sa luam cele doua poze de pe hi5, facem un alt cont acolo care sa para al lui, adaugam toti prietenii actuali si apoi... ne folosim imaginatia. :D
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Eu nu înţeleg de ce mai există commentul ăla.
Would you like to ride on your own ass?


μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε

tcalexander - commentul #4. Nu de ăla era vorba? Sau a mai spamat şi prin altă parte?
LE: gata, am văzut.
Would you like to ride on your own ass?


Gata, comentariu şters...
The soul of computer technology


P-ala nu-l vazusem...
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Poor little emo...  :rock:
It seems they wanna finger print me and gimmie some years / They'll only get one finger while I'm shifting gears


Lumea chiar este atat de cretina incat sa mai functioneze emailurile de fishing de acest gen:

Quote<>     <>     <>    
<>    Dear EPPICard holder,

EPPICard Online Department has recently reviewed your account, and suspect that your EPPICard account may have been accessed from an unauthorized computer or by a third party.
This may be due to changes in your IP address or location.
Protecting the security of your account and the EPPICard network is our primary concern.

Therefore, for your account protection and integrity, EPPICard Online Department recommends you to login and report any unnoticed password changes, unauthorized withdrawals, and check your account profile to make sure no changes have been made.

To protect your account, please keep in mind these instructions:

* Do not share your password with other users.

* Log off and close the Internet explorer window after using your online account, especially if you are in a public place.

Please follow the link below to verify your identity: <,../redirectt.php>

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintaining the integrity of the entire EPPICard system.
Unsigned integer


Iata ce mail am primit recent:

Vindem baza de date cu 1.000.000 adrese de e-mail, cuprinzand atat adrese ale persoanelor juridice cat si ale persoanelor fizice cu domiciliul in Romania, la cel mai mic pret de pe piata!
Va puteti promova acum afacerea sau ideile dumneavoastra, prin mail, in cel mai ieftin mod cu putinta, cu impact maxim.
La achizitionarea pachetului veti primi in mod GRATUIT si un program de trimitere a e-mailurilor care poate trimite pana la 50.000 de mailuri pe ora, program care in mod normal ar costa 100 Euro.
Aveti asadar toate premizele unei promovari IEFTINE si de succes, tinand cont cati bani ar trebui sa investiti in publicitatea clasica, asa incat reclama dumneavoastra sa fie vazuta de 1 milion de oameni.

Pretul bazei de date care include cele 1 milion de mailuri si al programului de trimitere oferit gratuit este 150 RON.

Pentru comenzi si detalii ne puteti scrie la adresa de mail:

Telefon : 0751.709848


Ăsta l-am primit și eu și am făcut plângere. Vezi pe pagina cealaltă și fă la fel.
These are the days of our lives.


Spam cu aroma de scrisoare nigeriana:

You Won!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 7:57 PM
"Yahoo! Lottery" <>
Add sender to Contacts

Yahoo! UK & Ireland

Yahoo! Awards Center           
124 Stockport Road, Longsight,
Manchester M60 2DB - United  Kingdom

Dear Winner, 

                                            YOUR WINNING NOTIFICATION

This is to inform you that you have won a prize money of  Eight Hundred and Fourty Five Thousand Great Britain Pounds(£845,000.00) for the  2008 New Year Prize Promotion which is Organized by YAHOO AWARDS  & WINDOWS LIVE. 

YAHOO! collects all the email addresses of the people that are active online, among the millions that subscribed to Yahoo and Hotmail and few from other e-mail providers. Six people are selected monthly to benefit from this promotion and you are one of the Selected Winners PAYMENT OF PRIZE AND CLAIM.

Winners shall be paid in accordance with his/her Settlement Centre.Yahoo Prize Award must be claimed no later than 15 days from date of Draw Notification. Any prize not claimed within this period will be forfeited.Stated below are your identification numbers:

REFERENCE NUMBER:   2006234522

These numbers fall within the Burkina Faso,West Africa Location file, you are requested to contact our fiduciary agent in Burkina Faso and send your winning identification numbers to him: 

CONTACT PERSON:Mr.Whitley Gerald Wharfe .   
You are advised to send the following information to your Claims Agent to facilitate the release of of your fund to you. 

* Full name...............................
* Country..................................
* Contact Address.....................
* Telephone Number.................
* fax Number............................
* Marital Status.........................
* Occupation.............................
* Sex / Age................................
* Amount Won:£845,000.00 Great britain Pounds.
WARNING! Do not tell people about your Prize Award until your money is successfully handed over to you to avoid disqualification that may arise from double claim.   You may also receive similar e-mails from people potraying to be other Organizations or Yahoo! Inc. This is solely to collect your personal information from you and lay claim over your winning. In event that you receive any e-mail similar to the notification letter that was sent to you, Kindly delete it from your mail box and give no further correspondence to such person or body.Yahoo!shall not be held responsible for any loss of fund arising from the above mentioned. 

Congratulations!! Once again.
The Management,
Yahoo! Lottery.
True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.


Mai nou a inceput Spam/Phisingul si pe mobilul meu. Ce am primit:

Felicitari!Cosmote.v-a desemnat prin tragere la sorti,castigator irevocabil al premiului de 10.000        Euro.Contactati operatorul la     nr 076.2967200Cosmote./Premii

Expeditor +400762967200

A nimerit asta chiar cu bata in balta. Eu ma pregateam sa ii sun pe aia de la Cosmote sa le zic sa inceteze cu reclama idioata cu SMS la 1000 ca prea ma bateau la cap cu treaba asta si spamerul asta crede ca am participat la promotie.

BTW stie cineva care e procedura oficiala ca sa nu te mai anunte astia de la Cosmote prin SMS-uri de toate rahaturile de promotii ? Trebuie sa fac o cerere scrisa sau ceva de genul asta ?

Sunt interesat doar de SMS cu factura si de notificari de apeluri pierdute. In rest chiar nu dau 2 bani pe SMS-urile lor.

True Knights stand tall / Their shields defend the people / Their swords strike and avenge / The honor of all.