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Started by IceCub, 04 May 2007, 08:47

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Administratorii unui site ilegal de tip "torrent", reţinuţi de poliţişti

După două luni de investigaţii, în urma unor informaţii deţinute de ofiţerii Direcţiei Generale de Informaţii Bucureşti şi de poliţiştii Serviciului de Investigare a Fraudelor (SIF) din cadrul Poliţiei Capitalei, ieri dimineaţă, s-a efectuat o descindere domiciliară în urma căreia au fost reţinuţi doi bucureşteni care creaseră şi administrau ilegal un site prin care ofereau programe de calculator şi filme piratate. Potrivit anchetatorilor, ieri dimineaţă, în jurul orei 6.00, o echipă a SIF Bucureşti a descins într-un apartament din Drumul Taberei, unde au fost găsiţi doi bărbaţi, ambii în vîrstă de 40 ani, care administrau un site de tip "torrent", avînd peste 16.000 de utilizatori în toată ţara. În urma percheziţiei, în apartament oamenii legii au descoperit 5.200 de CD-uri şi DVD-uri ce conţineau filme şi programe piratate. Ofiţerii de poliţie au descoperit şi patru computere, dintre care unul funcţiona ca server pentru site. Anchetatorii susţin că cei doi foloseau site-ul pirat de mai bine de un an, dar au ajuns la capacitate maximă de funcţionare de şase luni. Poliţiştii spun că utilizatorii nu plăteau nimic pentru obţinerea programelor sau a filmelor, însă puteau face donaţii pentru diverse acţiuni caritabile, într-un cont care era menţionat pe site. Mai mut decît atît, cei doi administratori contractaseră ilegal şi publicitate, întrucît pe site erau postate mai multe reclame. Administratorii, al căror nume nu a fost dat, deocamdată, publicităţii sînt cercetaţi în stare de libertate pentru săvîrşirea infracţiunilor de fals, uz de fals şi pentru încălcarea drepturilor de autor, riscînd pedepse cu închisoarea între doi şi patru ani. Poliţiştii spun că în cazul în care vor exista plîngeri penale din partea utilizatorilor site-ului, la infracţiunile de care cei doi sînt acuzaţi s-ar putea adăuga cea de înşelăciune. Surse din cadrul Inspectoratului de Poliţie al Judeţului Constanţa spun că în urmă cu o lună, ofiţerii constănţeni au fost solicitaţi să efectueze verificări pentru identificarea unor "terţi" care s-ar fi putut ocupa cu inscripţionarea de CD-uri sau DVD-uri, ori cu postarea pe site-uri similare şi redistribuirea pe plan local a programelor şi filmelor preluate de la bucureşteni.

Sursa: Telegraf de Constanta


Cea mai mare frauda IT din istorie, comisa de hackeri romani: 1 miliard $

QuoteUn grup de hackeri a comis cea mai mare frauda cibernetica din istoria tehnologiei informatiei

Autoritatile federale americane sustin ca ar fi vorba despre niste hoti virtuali romani

Paguba este estimata la peste 1 miliard de dolari, fiind vorba despre 500.000 de clienti ai celui mai mare lant de supermarketuri, cu peste 2.500 de magazine în SUA, Marea Britanie si Irlanda, apartinand celebrului retailer TJX

Hotii au reusit sa patrunda in baza de date a colosului comercial, furand numerele a peste 45 de milioane de carduri bancare apartinand, in principal, clientilor TJ Maxx

Hackerii si-au vazut nestingheriti de treaba timp de doi ani

Potrivit anchetei, cel mai probabil hackerii au vandut informatiile furate mai departe catre alti hoti care au ,,clonat" cardurile

Presedintele-director general al TJX, Carol Meyrowitz, a redactat o scrisoare-avertisment catre toti clientii magazinelor online apartinand retailerului american

Recordul de carduri sparte si ,,clonate" fusese stabilit in iunie 2005, cand au fost furate datele personale a 40 de milioane de utilizatori

Cazul a fost dezvaluit si urmarit de Privacy Rights Clearhousing

Directorul acestei organizatii, Beth Givens, a spus ca frauda de la TJ Maxx ,,va servi probabil, ani de zile de acum incolo, drept studiu de caz in domeniul securitatii IT"

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These are the days of our lives.


QuoteThe new experiment used powerful magnetic fields that were switched on and off to rapidly create magnetic domains in a wire less than a micron wide made of permalloy – a magnetic material made of iron and nickel that is often found in disk drives. As the regions contain numerous magnetized atoms aligned in the same direction and separated by domain walls, they can then be moved using much shorter nanoscale pulses. To read the data, the researchers used a powerful x-ray microscope, capable of resolving features as small as 15 nanometres.

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Google Sues Google
QuoteThe Google England office is planning to sue a Dutch company that bought several domains with the "google" term in the name.

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These are the days of our lives.


Calculatoarele se scumpesc  :fight:

Companiile romanesti din domeniul IT ar putea fi nevoite sa mareasca, cu aproximativ 7-10%, preturile unor produse IT, pentru recuperarea pierderilor cauzate de aplicarea retroactiva a remuneratiei compensatorii pentru copia privata, informeaza Asociatia Producatorilor si Distribuitorilor de Echipamente de Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor (APDETIC). Aceste cresteri care s-ar putea inregistra pe piata romaneasca pentru anumite produse IT sunt contrar tendintei pietei mondiale, de scadere a preturilor echipamentelor pentru aceleasi caracteristici. Pretentiile Copyro sunt rodul unei interpretari abuzive a Hotararilor arbitrare din iunie 2005 care prevad aplicarea lor incepand cu acea data si nu retroactiv. Platile retroactive, fara vreo justificare logica, risca sa destabilieze o piata in dezvoltare si sa loveasca in interesele utilizatorilor romani de tehnologie, a precizat Valentin Negoita, presedintele APDETIC. In urma integrarii in Uniunea Europeana, companiile romanesti din industria IT au fost obligate sa scada preturile cu 1-2% pentru a putea face fata concurentei externe. Daca insa vom fi nevoiti sa crestem preturile pentru a ne recupera pierderile cauzate de aplicarea retroactiva a remuneratiei compensatorii, vom avea un mare dezavantaj in fata concurentilor veniti din exterior, a explicat Ion Maican, director de programe Gemini SP. Copyro a decis dupa mijlocul lui 2005 sa ceara companiilor plata retroactiva, incepand cu 2002, a 5% din valoarea de import a aparatelor nou intrate pe lista. Companiile au fost notificate sa plateasca retroactiv remuneratia si, cum acestea au refuzat, au fost actionate in instanta. Abuzul Copyro consta, practic, in mixarea celor doua legi in folosul propriu, astfel incat companiile din domeniul IT vor fi nevoite sa plateasca pentru perioada anterioara lui 14 iunie 2005 remuneratie compensatorie pentru aparatele aparute pe lista la aceasta data. Potrivit datelor APDETIC, legea drepturilor de autor 8/1996 prevedea plata a 5% din valoarea de import a aparatelor care permit reproducerea operelor fixate pe suport grafic sau analog, suma reprezentand remuneratia compensatorie pentru copia privata.



Censorship 'changes face of net'

QuoteAmnesty International has warned that the internet "could change beyond all recognition" unless action is taken against the erosion of online freedoms.
The warning comes ahead of a conference organised by Amnesty, where victims of repression will outline their plights. The "virus of internet repression" has spread from a handful of countries to dozens of governments, said the group.
Amnesty accused companies such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo of being complicit in the problem.

These are the days of our lives.


De parca copii din ziua de azi nu ar fi destul de "scrantiti",

Cinci studenti olandezi au inventat alcoolul pudra

QuoteCinci studenti olandezi au inventat alcoolul sub forma de pudra care poate fi vandut, legal, minorilor.
In Olanda, tinerii au voie sa fumeze si sa bea alcool numai daca au implinit 16 ani.
Studentii spun ca firmele care sunt interesate sa comercializeze produsul nu trebuie sa plateasca taxe, pentru ca alcoolul nu este in forma lichida.

Articolul complet


'Infomania' worse than marijuana

QuoteWorkers distracted by email and phone calls suffer a fall in IQ more than twice that found in marijuana smokers, new research has claimed.

The study for computing firm Hewlett Packard warned of a rise in "infomania", with people becoming addicted to email and text messages.

Researchers found 62% of people checked work messages at home or on holiday.

The firm said new technology can help productivity, but users must learn to switch computers and phones off.

: 12-06-2007, 22:24:19
Busyka a fost condamnat

QuoteCostel Ovidiu David, unul dintre cei mai cunoscuţi piraţi informatici din Iaşi, cunoscut şi sub numele de Busyka, a fost condamnat ieri la o pedeapsă de doi ani de închisoare pentru comiterea mai multor infracţiuni de piraterie
● Busyka primit pedeapsa maximă pentru acest tip de infracţiuni
● Trebuie să plătească daune de 70 milioane lei (7 mii RON) către Microsoft Corporation, 944 milioane lei (94,4 mii RON) către Uniunea Producătorilor de Fotograme din România şi suma de 430 milioane lei (43 mii RON) către RO-ACT, organizaţia care se ocupă cu prevenirea şi combaterea pirateriei în România
● Potrivit ultimelor informaţii deţinute, Costel David şi-a reluat activitatea de piraterie în Tudor Vladimirescu, însă acesta nu mai semnează cu Busyka pe filmele şi jocurile piratate


90% din jocurile piratate pe care le-am vazut erau semnate de tipul asta. Oricum le-a luat foarte mult sa-l inchida.
Daunele pe care trebuie sa le plateasca mi se par mici si daca nu a cheltuit banii obtinuti aiurea cu siguranta are cu ce sa le plateasca.
These are the days of our lives.


MICI??? Un miliard şi jumătate! Ar fi trebuit să vândă 48134 CD-uri sau 13128 DVD-uri. Şi tot nu e suficient, pentru că mai costă şi blank-urile, iar o parte din bani cu siguranţă i-a cheltuit - e şi el om, nu cred că s-a apucat de afacere ca să pună bani al ciorap.

Mai mult...
QuoteProcurorii au descoperit că acesta a trimis aproximativ 96 de colete.
QuotePercheziţia domiciliară a avut loc pe data de 16 iunie 2005, şi au fost descoperite 2.082 CD-uri şi 2.654 de DVD-uri.
Deci una din ele nu e bună. Oricum, eu cred că baiatul e mâncat.
μή μου τούς κύκλους τάραττε


Ai calculat CD-ul la 3 lei...cand mi-am luat eu primul CD-RW (Teac 4X, dadusem 400 lei) un CD cu jocuri era 10-15 lei, iar valoarea leului a scazut intre timp. Acum un CD e 1 leu, cu CD-ul tau, dar si CD-RW e 100 lei.

Massive stock spam attack uses crafty PDF to lure investors
QuoteIn what's being called one of the 10 worst global e-mail spam outbreaks so far this year, some 5 billion spam messages were sent to recipients yesterday using a first-ever, professional-looking PDF file that advertised a pump-and-dump scam for a German stock.

The outbreak, which made up 9% of the approximately 60 billion spam e-mail messages sent around the globe yesterday, could be a sign of things to come, said David Mayer, product manager for IronPort Systems Inc. in San Bruno, Calif., which monitored the outbreak with its reputation-based Sender Base Network.

"We have seen virus outbreaks using PDF files," Mayer said. "This is the first time we have seen a spammer using a PDF document to entice people to buy a particular stock."

: 22-06-2007, 12:21:13
Porn Pics = Five Years In Prison - Due to spamming

QuoteJames Schaffer, Paradise Valley, Arizona and Jeffrey Kilbride, Venice, California, were both convicted by a federal judge, being accused of conspiracy, fraud, transportation of obscene materials and money laundering. Security company Sophos said that the two men sent spam messages to millions of users, most of the emails
containing pornographic pictures and trying to promote adult webpages. It seems that no less than 600.000
customers of America Online sent complaints to the company between 30 January and 9 June 2004. The entire spam campaign brought approximately $2 million to the spammers.
"This dirty duo used a variety of tricks to try and hide their whereabouts from the US authorities. These includes logging into remotely to servers based in Amsterdam to try and make their spam messages look like they originated from outside the USA, and using bank accounts in Mauritius and the Isle of Man," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos.

: 26-06-2007, 18:25:47
Supercomputer steps up the pace
QuoteThe world's fastest commercial supercomputer has been launched by computer giant IBM.

Blue Gene/P is three times more potent than the current fastest machine, BlueGene/L, also built by IBM.
The latest number cruncher is capable of operating at so called "petaflop" speeds - the equivalent of 1,000 trillion calculations per second.

Approximately 100,000 times more powerful than a PC, the first machine has been bought by the US government.
It will be installed at the Department of Energy's (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois later this year.
Two further machines are planned for US laboratories and a fourth has been bought by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council for its Daresbury Laboratory Cheshire.

The ultra powerful machines will be used for complex simulations to study everything from particle physics to nanotechnology.

These are the days of our lives.


IT guru John Donovan found guilty of faking his own shooting
QuoteFormer MIT professor John Donovan Sr., an entrepreneur who started several high-tech companies and authored several books on IT, has been found guilty of faking his own shooting. A Massachusetts judge, however, ignored a plea by prosecutors that he be sentenced to jail.

Japan to pursue new Internet technology
QuoteCommunications minister Yoshihide Suga said Japan will start researching and developing technology for a new generation of network to replace the Internet.
The government would like to get the technology into commercial use by 2020, Suga said Friday in Brazil.
He said an organization will be established as early as this fall with cooperation from businesses, academia and the government to promote the technology.
The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry will seek ¥7.8 billion for the project in the fiscal 2008 budget, Suga said.
The new technology is envisaged as being faster and more reliable than the current Internet while being less susceptible to viruses and breakdowns.
The ministry is hoping Japan will take the lead in developing post-Internet technology and setting global standards.
: 21-08-2007, 23:43:15
Finnish youth fined for putting teacher on YouTube
QuoteA Finnish court ruled against a 15-year-old student in a libel case on Friday after he posted a clip of his teacher on YouTube, ordering the youth to pay 800 euros in damages and a 90 euro fine.
: 28-08-2007, 20:18:58
Yahoo Mail lets e-mailers text-message to phones
QuoteThe new e-mail-to-phone connection is one of the features the Internet media giant plans to add as it makes available to the more than 250 million Yahoo Mail users a new version of the world's most popular e-mail program in coming weeks.

The Yahoo Mail overhaul is part of a drive to transform its e-mail franchise into more of a social activity that blends the convenience of instant communication with the implicit network of relationships found in one's online address book.

Already this year Yahoo has been testing another feature that lets its e-mail users communicate using conventional e-mail or via instant messages using either Yahoo Messenger or Microsoft Live Messenger.
These are the days of our lives.


Mysterious Solar Ripples Detected
QuoteMysterious waves that help transport the sun's energy out into space have been detected by scientists for the first time.

Researchers hope their discovery of the energetic ripples, known as Alfven waves, will shed light on other solar phenomena such as the sun's magnetic fields and its super-hot corona, or outermost atmosphere. A new video shows the ripples in action.

"Alfven waves can provide us with a window into processes that are fundamental to the workings of the sun and its impacts on Earth," said Steve Tomczyk, a space scientist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
These are the days of our lives.


Wikipedia devine motor de căutare
QuoteGoogle, cea mai de succes companie cu afaceri legate de internet, s-ar putea confrunta cu un rival neaşteptat. Nou venitul nu este de talia Yahoo! sau Microsoft dar are un atuu - a reuşit să dezvolte un site extrem de popular, wikipedia.
Creatorul enciclopediei Wikipedia crede că a găsit reţeta de a concura cu gigantul Google. Jimmy Wales va lansa în decembrie un motor de căutare care se va baza pe căutările internauţilor, nu pe algoritmii matematici sofisticaţi folosiţi în prezent de motoarele de căutare.

În acest fel, crede fondatorul enciclopediei gratuite, rezultatele căutării unui site vor fi mai precise, pentru că judecata editorială a oamenilor este mai relevantă decât a unui soft, oricât de sofisticat ar fi acesta.
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Well, de asta nu prea mă îndoiesc. Şi fără motor de căutare pe wikipedia găsesc informaţii despre aproape tot ce vreau.
Enciclopedia Galactica trebuie să devină realitate.


Faptul ca motorul de cautare va utiliza alti algoritmi decat limbajele formale, care se vor a fi cat mai asemanatori cu metoda umana de cautare poate fi un avantaj. Dar la fel de bine pot sa nu functioneze la fel de eficient ca cei actuali. Vom vedea.
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Ceasurile bio-destptatoare pentru desteptarea perfecta
QuoteCeasurile detecteaza curentii cerebrali sau miscarile corpului si sunt programate sa trezeasca persoanele care dorm in timpul somnului usor, ce apare periodic in decursul noptii.
"Simti ca esti deja treaz de ceva vreme, iar ceasul desteptator doar iti spune acest lucru", a spus Boris Abramov, care a utilizat ceasul Sleeptracker, care se poarta la brat.

Ceasul meu bio-desteptator natural ma trezeste totdeauna la timp, mai putin in zilele cu examen cand reuseste sa ma scoale exact cand nu mai am timp sa ajung.  :D
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Apple Vows to Fight iPhone Hackers
QuoteAt a London Apple retail store where he announced the iPhone's Nov. 9 U.K. debut, Jobs responded to a question about whether Apple would put a stop to the unlocking hacks that have mushroomed recently. "It's a cat-and-mouse game," said Jobs. "We try to stay ahead. People will try to break in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in."

In last few weeks, people have unveiled several unlock hacks that let users swap the iPhone's included SIM card with one from another cellular service provider so the phone can make calls on that carrier's network. With the iPhone limited to domestic sales until November, unlocking is the only way consumers living outside the U.S. have been able to use their phones.

Last week, the iPhone Dev Team posted a free unlocking hack, then followed it yesterday with anySIM, an unlocking tool tucked into a graphical interface. Just a day before the iPhone Dev Team released its free hack, a group called iPhoneSIMFree began selling an unlocking tool of its own through a network of online resellers at prices ranging from $45 to $99.
These are the days of our lives.


Quote from: lapcat on 21 September 2007, 15:04
Apple Vows to Fight iPhone Hackers
"It's a cat-and-mouse game," said Jobs. "We try to stay ahead. People will try to break in, and it's our job to stop them breaking in."

Aha. Au spus-o cu gura lor că bastardizează hardware-ul şi fac toate eforturile să-i priveze pe utilizatori de anumite funcţii. Acum un an încă aveam o poză cu Apple băieţi buni şi cu produse geniale în minte. În prezent pot să le mănânc şi coliva, Microsoft mi-s mai simpatici. Hint, citiţi review-ul la Iphone de pe mobile-review ;;).


Google sued for 'crimes against humanity'
QuoteA Pennsylvania crusader has slapped Google with a $5bn lawsuit, claiming that the world's largest search engine is endangering his personal safety.

With a suit filed in federal court, Dylan Stephen Jayne insists that the company is guilty of "crimes against humanity" because its name turns up when his social security number is scrambled and turned upside down.

After much study, The Reg can confirm that Jayne's tax payer ID can be juggled to reveal the word Google - if you use your imagination. But we have elected not to publish the number. For obvious reasons.

By calling itself Google, Jayne argues, Google has exposed him to attack by an army of culturally diverse, net-savvy terrorists. "A person regardless of race or religion that wishes to cause acts of terrorism would look for social security numbers that are made readily available on the public use databases," his suit reads.

Microsoft to integrate Windows Live tools into Visual Studio
QuoteMicrosoft Corp. is planning to add the ability to develop Windows Live applications to its Visual Studio tool kit as a way to build more of a developer base for its online services platform.
The company is adding controls to Visual Studio 2008 that will allow developers to connect Windows Live services to new applications they're building, said Adam Sohn, a director in the Online Services Group at Microsoft. The company is currently testing the technology internally and may also include it in the current 2005 version of Visual Studio, but that has yet to be determined, he said.
A public beta of the technology is expected in October or November, Sohn said.

New Version Of Microsoft Office Due In 2009
QuoteMicrosoft isn't talking, but an official Microsoft roadmap found on the Web site of recent Microsoft acquisition Stratature seems to be clear. According to the document, Microsoft will release Office 14 with Bulldog, which is the current code name for Microsoft's take on Stratature's master data management product, +EDM. A blog by Microsoft's Patrick Guimonet, an IT Pro Evangelist in France, notes that test releases of Bulldog will also "align" with those of Office 14.
These are the days of our lives.


Google testing "My World" for launch later this year
QuoteRumors of Google's plans to create a virtual world that rivals that of Second Life have popped up once again over the weekend. The company could now be collaborating with Arizona State University to test the 3D social network, which may be tied into Google's current applications of Google Earth and Google Maps.

ASU students received a questionnaire yesterday, screenshots of which were originally posted by a MacRumors forum member, that hinted strongly at Google's plans. Specifically, the questionnaire intro says that students will be able to test a product that will be publicly launched later this year by a "major Internet company," and the graphic makes reference to 3D modeling, video gaming, and avatars. It proceeds to ask questions about students' involvement with social networks like MySpace and whether they have Gmail accounts. The social network referenced by the questionnaire is currently being dubbed "My World."
These are the days of our lives.


Savantii trasniti si-au primit premiile anti-Nobel pe 2007

Quote from: HotnewsCe efecte secundare poate produce inghititul nisipului (medicina) si cum se poate extrage vanilie din balega de vaca (chimie) sunt numai cateva descoperiri care fac parte din palmaresul Premiilor anti-Nobel decernate de universitatea americana Harvard, unor savanti veniti de pe cinci continente.

Trei argentinieni au primit anti-Nobelul pentru un studiu referitor la "Efectele Viagrei asupra senzatiei de decalaj orar la hamsteri",  :blink: publicat de Academia Argentiniana in iunie anul acesta.
Japoneza Mayu Yamamoto recompensata pentru cercetarile privind extractia de vanilie din balega de vaca, va participa vineri la degustarea gratuita a unei noi inghetate, denumita in onoarea sa, "Yum-a-Moto Vanilia Twist".
Premiul anti-Nobel pentru Pace i-a fost decernat unui laboratorul din Dayton pentru o "arma chimica" ce provoaca soldatilor inamici o atractie sexuala irezistibila.
Premiul anti-Nobel pentru Limba a fost primit de Juan Manuel Toro, Josep Trobalon si Nuria Sebastian-Galles de la Universitatea din Barcelona pentru "remarcabila" descoperire ca sobolanii nu pot face diferenta intre o persoana care vorbeste japoneza si una care vorbeste olandeza, ambele privite din spate.

Integral in Hotnews.


Tehnica de citire a datelor de pe hard-disk, recompensata cu Premiul Nobel
QuotePremiul Nobel pentru fizica pe anul 2007 a fost acordat marti, la Stockholm, francezului Albert Fert si germanului Petre Grunberg pentru cercetarile lor din domeniul magnetorezistentei gigantice, a anuntat Comitetul Nobel.

Descoperirea facuta de cei doi cercetatori "a revolutionat tehnicile care permit citirea informatiilor stocate pe hard disk", a anuntat Academia regala de stiinte din Suedia, care decerneaza acest premiu.

In 1988, Fert si Grunberg, care si-au desfasurat activitatile de cercetare separat, au descoperit un nou efect fizic - magnetorezistenta gigantica, care a avut un impact important asupra tehnologiei informatiei si comunicarii.

Tehnica "poate fi considerata, de asemenea, una dintre primele aplicatii reale ale promitatorului camp al nanotehnologiei", potrivit comunicatului publicat in capitala suedeza.
These are the days of our lives.


British spy agency to embed ad in video games
QuoteLONDON — A British intelligence agency is seeking spies in cyberspace.

GCHQ, the surveillance arm of British intelligence, said today it hopes to attract computer-savvy young recruits by embedding job ads within video games such as "Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent."

GCHQ, which stands for Government Communications Headquarters, said it was looking to reach "an Internet-savvy generation of graduate groups."

In a statement, GCHQ said it hoped the campaign would "capture the imagination of people with a particular interest in IT."

The monthlong ad campaign, which starts at the end of October, is being run by GCHQ, the recruitment firm TMP Worldwide and Microsoft-owned in-game ad agency Massive Inc.

Ads headed "Careers in British Intelligence" will appear as billboards in scenes in "Splinter Cell" and other games including "Need for Speed Carbon" and "Enemy Territory: Quake Wars" when they are played on computers and Microsoft Xbox consoles in Britain.

Parca-i si vad: "-Sălu mâna, eu sunt Costel, am 4 ani si vreau sa fiu agent seclet."  :rotfl:
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